About 90% of colon tumors arise from polyps. The process of cancer, from adenoma to carcinoma, takes place most often in a time interval of 5-10 years.
Colon tumors are the second most common in both sexes, and they are one of the few that can be prevented in time. If a polyp is observed, it can be completely removed during the procedure itself (polypectomy) without the need for additional surgical procedures.
Endoscopy cabinet, Plava Medical Group has been raising the standard and quality level for more than 15 years, continuously improving staff, introducing new procedures in step with the modern world. He manages endoscopy Mr. sci. dr Admir Kurtćehajić subspecialist in gastroenterohepatology, endoscopist, winner of the European grant (ESGE) for 2020.
Who needs the procedure?
-Every adult aged 50 to 75 should have this examination done without any complaints
-Persons with a positive family history and ailments need this procedure earlier.
Why choose a colonoscopy at Plava Polyclinic, Plava Medical Group?
-Procedures are performed on the Olympus EVIS exera III endoscopic video system, which, in addition to white light, also has the option of staining pathological lesions (chromoendoscopy / NBI)
- The first in the region to use CO2 for insufflation during the colonoscopy procedure.
The advantages of insufflation with CO2 compared to "atmospheric air" are a significant reduction in pain and bloating during and after colonoscopy.
- The procedure can be performed under general anesthesia
- Endoscopic images are integrated into the medical report, which you receive immediately after the procedure
Thanks primarily to colonoscopy, around 90% of early-stage colon cancer is curable. A meta-analysis of observational studies showed that timely colonoscopy reduced the incidence of colorectal cancer by more than 50%, and mortality by almost 68%.
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Poštovanje,zanima me cijena kolonoskopije sa i bez anestezije,hvala.