CT 64 of all organs

Blue polyclinic is the first private institution in Tuzla Canton, which has the most modern CT device, which is currently a hit in the world of computer tomography. Its name is Siemens Somatom Sensation 64! As its name suggests, this device is a sensation in the world of digital radiological-diagnostic examination methods. It represents the technological pinnacle in the development of CT devices due to the quality of processing and protection of the patient from excess radiation. This device enables top-quality examinations in all organ systems, such as the digestive system and abdomen, then the chest, lungs and mediastinal organs, the neurological system, examinations in the head and neck area, and the muscular and skeletal system.

Somatom Sensation 64 also enables CT-angiography of the aorta and its branches, carotid and arm and leg arteries, as well as brain arteries.

The advantage among similar devices of the latest generation is reflected in the fact that it enables recording and analysis of the patency of the blood vessels of the heart (coronary arteries). CT coronary angiography is an alternative to classic, catheter angiography, which is more comfortable and safer for the patient, since it is a minimally invasive method.

A big advantage compared to earlier Somatom models is the advanced technology that this device possesses. It allows him to get twice as much information for the same duration of one scan. The end result is stunning! With just one scan, we get 64 high-resolution sections.

Please note that since 2007, citizens who have regulated health insurance can provide themselves with highly sophisticated examinations at the Plava Polyclinic. They also include an examination with a CT device. Method, form and principle of computed tomography (CT) recording.

CT 64 of all organs

CT Koronarografija

CT koronarografija  je neinvazivna metoda prikaza krvnih žila(koronarne arterije) srca. Indikacije za rad postavlja ljekar na osnovu anamneze, pregleda i ranijih nalaza pacijenta, urađenih drugih pretraga. Za

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CT 64 of all organs

CT Toraxa

Prilikom pregleda toraxa na CT aparatu neophodno je da se pacijent detaljno upozna sa procedurom snimanja te da donese nalaze urea i kreatinin na uvid

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CT 64 of all organs

CT abdomena

Pregled abdomena na CT-u se sastoji od pripreme koju pacijent obavlja 30 minuta neposredno prije snimanja. Pacijent pije 3 čaše jodnog kontrasta razblaženog određenom kolicinom

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CT 64 of all organs

CT kičme

Kako se pripremiti za pregled Ukoliko nije drugačije naglašeno, pregled ne zahtijeva posebnu pripremu, ali postoje neke stvari koje trebate reći svome ljekaru. Sa sobom

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CT 64 of all organs

CT glave

U neuroradiološke CT preglede spadaju CT pregled glave, paranazalnih šupljina (sinusa), orbita (očnih prostora), temporalnih kostiju (struktura spoljnjeg, srednjeg i unutrašnjeg uha). Neke od indikacija

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