
Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Kako prepoznati dijabetes?

Diabetes or dijabetes is chronic systemic metabolic disorder, which is characterized by hyperglycemia, i.e. elevated level of glucose in the blood, which over time leads to serious damage to the entire organism, especially nerves and blood vessels vessel of numerous organs.

In type 1 diabetes of the pancreas, not at all it produces its own insulin and patients must replace it insulin injections. This type of disease is an autoimmune disease and it is not associated with life habits. Type 2 diabetes (formerly called insulin-independent or diabetes of old age) is more common and does almost 90% of cases of this disease, and people who are younger and younger age. In this type of disease, the pancreas produces insulin, but it does not can use it so the effect is the same as if there is not enough of it.

The exact causes of diabetes, more are not always determined with certainty, but what is currently with certainty knows that there are certain risk factors for its occurrence, namely: obesity, viral infections, excessive intake of simple sugars such as sweets, white sugar, carbonated juices, insufficient physical activity, stress and genetic predispositions for the development of this disease.


-The first symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination and excessive desire to ingest any type of liquid. This happens as a result of excess sugar that accumulates in the blood and if the kidneys cannot absorb glucose, dehydration occurs and therefore, the need for fluid intake increases, which later leads to frequent urination.

- The excessive need for food is still there one of the signs of diabetes, and it is caused by changes in sugar levels. When the sugar level drops, we feel hunger and the need for glucose as energy source.

-The feeling of exhaustion is also a symptom of diabetes. As with the excessive need for food, dehydration and lack of sugar in the body can lead to deficiency energy, as a result of which you will feel constant tiredness and easy fatigue.

-Symptoms can sometimes include i vision problems. High blood sugar draws fluid from the tissues, including the eyes. If left untreated, diabetes can cause permanent damage visual impairment. In addition, diabetes can lead to nerve damage. If you feel tingling and loss of feeling in your hands and feet, as well as painful burning in the hands, legs and feet, it's time to see a doctor because there is a possibility that it is diabetes.

If you notice any of the above symptoms of diabetes, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. Over time, high sugar irreversibly damages nerves and blood vessels and can lead to: hypertension, heart attack, stroke, blindness, gangrene legs, severe kidney damage, increases the tendency to infections and reduces the sensation of pain, so diabetics often do not feel pain during the heart attack and do not turn to the doctor, but the help of the doctor in the first hours after a heart attack is the most important.

The best way to prevent and mitigate progression of the disease is a moderate, healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition (prescribed by a nutritionist or endocrinologist, and designed by a nutritionist), proper physical activity (prescribed by a doctor, designed physiotherapist), taking therapy regularly, regular systematic i scheduled check-ups.

 Proper nutrition should be such that maintains optimal body mass and provides all necessary nutrients substances in optimal quantities. It is necessary to reduce the intake of simple carbohydrates (sweets, white sugar), and increase the intake of vegetables fibers (wheat flakes). It is necessary to regularly control: blood glucose and, if necessary, a glucose tolerance test, if necessary suspected latent diabetes.

 The success of treatment of this disease depends on establishment of early disease diagnosis as well as continuous education patients. People who are obese and suffer from diabetes, and at the same time they do not exercise enough, they should change their lifestyle, which will give positive results affects the disease.

 Dr. Ahmed Hujdurović,doktor porodične medicine, ultrasoničar, specijalista interne medicine

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