
Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Prevention of breast cancer

Dear our potential clients
Set yourself goals and start with small changes. Every step aimed at preventing the risk of developing and early detection of breast cancer pays off many times over. The goal of all preventive breast examinations is to find a tumor in the earliest stage of development, when its cure is almost 100%.
In our clinic, you can do breast ultrasound, mammography and breast MRI.
The goal of the coalition is to raise public awareness about breast cancer and to encourage women across Europe to give their support in persistently seeking better education, appropriate examinations for early detection, the best forms of treatment and greater investment in breast cancer research, as well as the importance of regular ultrasound and mammography checks. In our clinic, we have the most modern breast ultrasound, mammogram, MR machine
Preventive examinations according to age that we recommend:
 At the age of 20 to 30 years
-breast self-examinations - ultrasound examinations
At the age of 35 to 40 years
-breast self-examination - clinical and ultrasound examination - as indicated by the mammography radiologist
Over the age of 40.
-breast self-examination - clinical and ultrasound examinations - maography mandatory

Breast ultrasound is a simple, painless and highly sensitive examination in detecting breast changes. The examination lasts up to 30 minutes, it can be longer, depending on the pathology, it is not harmful and can be repeated several times. No special preparation is necessary for performing an ultrasound examination of the breasts, it is preferable to perform it in the first half of the menstrual cycle (from the 7th to the 14th day).

Mammography is used as clinical mammography - in the diagnosis of unclear clinical findings in symptomatic patients, in the diagnosis of clinically occult cancer and as screening mammography - screening method in asymptomatic patients In native mammography, correct positioning of the breasts during imaging is very important. In doing so, two positions must be used: profile and craniocaudal. It is very important to show the entire breast and armpits, because tumors can be located close to the chest wall and remain undetected. No special preparation is required.

Breast MRI - the first in BiH and the only one in the Tuzla Canton – Uses the magnetic resonance technique. Patients do not need to prepare for this examination except to bring a cotton T-shirt or undershirt. In doing so, the patient lies on a specially constructed bed on her stomach. 30 to 50 slices are made before and after the initiation of paramagnetic contrast agent (Gd-DTPA). It is an extraordinary method whose diagnostic accuracy is around 98% for invasive malignancies over 4 mm. The technique is particularly useful in the differential diagnosis of recurrence, i.e. scarring changes on the breast, multifocal or bilateral changes, in the assessment of preoperative results in the case of neoadjuvant chemotherapy or radiation, in the case of negative mammography findings and positive axillary lymph node puncture, as well as in breasts with implants, where native mammography powerless. MRM is not a screening method due to unclear specificity and high frequency of positive results in benign breast findings (fibroadenoma, proliferative mastopathy, adenosis and inflammation of the breast).Ova metoda je se ne smije raditi kod pacijentica koje imaju strana tijela (post op. Metalni materijal koji nije od titanijuma, spiralu sve osim mirene, gelere, pacemaker).


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