
Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese

Laparoskopska operacija žučne kese


Today in the developed world over 95% Gallbladder surgery is performed laparoscopically. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is performed instead of a classic surgical incision, from about 15 to 20 cm, performed through 3 to 4 incisions with a diameter of 0.5 to 1 cm, without cutting structure of the anterior abdominal wall.
Gallbladder surgery is the most frequently performed surgical procedure in the world today.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy represents the "gold standard" in the surgical treatment of gallbladder diseases. 
After operation, the patient, a few hours later, can get up and start with intake of liquids and light food, and leaves the polyclinic on the same day or tomorrow. The patient's activities depend on how he feels. Early activation and walking are recommended, common for almost any good one postoperative recovery. The bandage can be removed the day after the operation the patient can even take a shower freely. A control examination is scheduled in seven days.
When a patient decides to undergo surgery in Blue polyclinics, for the sake of greater efficiency, we decided to do the procedure itself adapt the most often complex procedure to the patient, make it acceptable and as simple as possible. So, with us, the whole procedure is related to gallbladder surgery very simple…. 


5 Responses

  1. Pozdrav, imam jedno pitanje. Žena treba da operiše žuč ima povelik kamen. Samo da mi kažete koliko traje procedura kod vas i koliko se leži poslije operacije jer mi smo u Bosanskom Peteovcu?

  2. Poštovani,
    Treba mi informacija uvezi operacije žučnog kamena. Kamen je veličine do 2cm i jedan je u pitanju.
    Osoba nema osiguranje u BiH i bi islo sve privatno.
    Možete mi poslati otprilike tok u kratkim crtama i koliko košta.

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